import { isNumber } from '../common/utils'
import Atomic from '../atomic'
* 64-bit big-endian IEEE 754 floating point number OSC Atomic Data Type
export default class AtomicFloat64 extends Atomic {
* Create an AtomicFloat64 instance
* @param {number} [value] Float number
constructor(value) {
if (value && !isNumber(value)) {
throw new Error('OSC AtomicFloat64 constructor expects value of type float')
* Interpret the given number as packed binary data
* @return {Uint8Array} Packed binary data
pack() {
return super.pack('setFloat64', 8)
* Unpack binary data from DataView and read a Float64 number
* @param {DataView} dataView The DataView holding the binary representation of the value
* @param {number} [initialOffset=0] Offset of DataView before unpacking
* @return {number} Offset after unpacking
unpack(dataView, initialOffset = 0) {
return super.unpackWithMethod(dataView, 'getFloat64', 8, initialOffset)